Compliments Make Our Day

John always goes the extra mile, going above and beyond! I wanted to make sure to tell you thanks for the fine work and continued support.

The Mullers have been outstanding, working with my company to collect unpaid invoices. They're professional and get results, and aren't afraid to tell you bad news if it needs to be said. I recommend the firm ... call Mike with your collections and he will guide you through the process!

I have known The Muller's and staff for over a year through my current job and have always been impressed by how caring and friendly everyone is. They really do care about you reaching your business goals. They're very personable and always willing to discuss your options!

Thank you for returning my call and giving me some insight into our possible legal collection options with a third party sports travel booking company. Yesterday, I presented the options, additional information needed (proof of lost revenue) and your contingency fee with my owner. We are in agreement with you, that perhaps we would be throwing additional costs into a case that we most likely will be collecting less than $1900. My sincere thanks for your time and assistance with evaluating my case. We'll keep your contact information on file in the event we need assistance with collection of a delinquent account of greater value. I'd definitely recommend this firm to other business owners if they need collection help!

We have dealt with Barbara Ann Muller-Wilson for over 15 years, collecting debts for our business, no matter what the dollar amount. I trust her recommendations completely when asked for advice. She is a pleasure to work with.

Excellent work! Thank you for the quick action and updates.

Great work guys! We can always count on Muller Law firm to get things done.

Steven represented us very well and is very professional. In the future I would be happy to be a referral for you and your organization.

You’re awesome – thank you!

This deal just got the remit...there will be more deals coming!

Job well done! Thank you so much!

Thank you for a "job well done". It has been pleasure working with you.

Thank you for all of your hard work! We truly enjoyed working with you and we will most definitely contact you in the future.

Thank you for being such a great business partner and friend. Especially during the pandemic you have continued your excellent service to us. Take care, be safe, and we look forward to our continued relationship.

You guys are our "go-to" in Michigan!

We know you guys get water out of concrete!

We received the remittance from your office. Great job on the collection!!!!! I am very impressed!

Richard, this is excellent news! Thank you! Makes my day.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your thorough investigation and review of the facts in this matter prior to taking the case.

Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C

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