Failing to Act Timely to Place the Account for Collection

Debt Collection Michigan

If you have good collection policies, they should include time frames in which to take certain actions, including these:

  1. Following up with demand letters requiring payment when an account balance becomes delinquent.
  2. Following up with collection phone calls when demand letters don’t produce payment.
  3. Immediately following up with the debtor when the debtor doesn’t keep promises to make a payment.

After you’ve taken the actions defined by your collection policy and your debtor still hasn’t paid, you shift into collection mode. If your debtor still doesn’t pay, you may need to seek legal help from our debt collection attorneys in Michigan.

Need a Reputable Attorney to Represent You?

Established in 1961 by John F. Muller, Sr., we continue to insist on total quality as the guiding principle of our business. We constantly review and update our procedures as we seek new ways of working for our clients.

We’ve tracked down overdue accounts, winning many settlements for our clients along the way. We handle your case with the professional attention it deserves and we’re well prepared to use all our options to collect your overdue debts.

Take the First Step! Our Attorneys for Debt Collection in Michigan Can Help You! 

Is your case too complex to handle on your own? If you need help settling a debt owed to your business by a debtor in Michigan, contact an experienced attorney who handles debt collection in Michigan

Let our experts handle all the work for you! Fill out the information form on our “Contact Us” page, or give us a call at 248-645-2440, to ask questions and figure out your next steps. Don’t let money owed to you get away – get started today! We look forward to hearing from you.

Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C

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